At Zoe we strive to provide abundant life to everyone, and this year we shared the ZOE Life with Guatemala and Colombia! Join us on the mission field to share Christ with people in these countries through the gospel and enriching lives by providing for practical needs.

This year, we’re going to Colombia and Guatemala!

Apply to attend a Mission Trip using the link below.


June 1st - June 8th, 2024



July 14th - July 21st, 2024



1. How much does the Colombia Missions Trip cost?

Colombia Pricing: $1,800 (Early Bird Pricing of $1,500 if application completed by March 3rd) -What's included, Airfare, Food, lodging, transportation & free adventure day -Half of the Payment Deposit is due by March 3rd, 2024. Final payment is due by April 21st, 2024

2. How much does the Guatemala Missions Trip cost?

Guatemala Pricing: $1,800 (Early Bird Pricing of $1,500 if application completed by March 3rd) -What's included, Airfare, Food, lodging, transportation & free adventure day -Half of the payment is due by April 7th, 2024. Final payment is due by June 2nd, 2024.

3. How do I fundraise?

The best way to fundraise is through support letters. You are surrounded by a community who would love to support the good work you are going to do. You can also fundraise by doing a bake sale, selling crafts, and setting up a GoFundMe page.

4. How do I pay?

Payments will be submitted through pushpay. You can also have any of your supporters donate through Pushpay. Once signed up we will provide the steps to be able to show you how to pay.

5. Who are we partnering with for Colombia and Guatemala?

We are partnering with Adventure in Mission. They exist to empower Colombia and Guatemala by coming alongside pastors, leaders and individuals through community building and family strengthening (SERVE), discipleship (DISCIPLE), and activation of the Church (SEND) to establish the Kingdom of God locally and internationally.

6. Projects you will be doing while you are in Colombia?

-Men and Women’s Recovery Programs -Feeding Program -Homeless Ministry -Youth Development Program -Work- Readiness Programming -Education -Evangelism

7. Projects you will be doing while you are in Guatemala?

- Village Ministry - Building stoves - Family empowerment in villages - Water filter installations - Day camps with children in the villages - Praying over families - Repairing houses - Passing out meal kits to the community - Sports Camp with children in the villages - Evangelism

8. Lodging in Colombia

We will be staying at the beautiful facility in the city of Medellin, Colombia. Lunch will be provided at Adventures Colombia. Breakfast and Dinner will be in the city.

9. Lodging in Guatemala

You will be staying at a beautiful hotel in the city of Antigua, Guatemala. Lunch will be provided at Adventures Guatemala. Breakfast and Dinner will be in the city.

10. Are there any scholarships available for these mission trips?

All scholarships are subject to approval, if you are requesting financial assistance please email zoecares@zoechurch.org to begin the application process.

If you have any further questions, we’d love to help you! Email us at zoecares@zoechurch.org