What are Connect Groups?
Connect Groups are small groups of people who meet together online or in-person every week. Whether you are looking to have FUN, grow in your FAITH, or pursue personal FORMATION, Connect Groups are for you! These groups are designed to create community that encourages a growing relationship with Jesus.
When do Connect Groups meet?
Select your preferred schedule from Group A or Group B, meeting every other week for six sessions. Don't miss out on this opportunity to create community and grow in faith! It’s never too late in the SZN to join!
Get in touch.
Got Connect questions? Reach out to our team at info@zoechurch.org and a member of our team will get back to you.
Bret + Quinton | Brotherhood Hangout
Saturday | 8:30 AM
Week B | Fun
Santa Monica | Brotherhood All Ages
Herbert + Gerardo | Football
Saturday | 8:00 AM
Week B | Fun
Westwood Recreation Center | All Ages
Carol + Eilyn | Walking By Faith - Bible Reading + Prayer
Saturday | 7:00 AM
Week B | Faith
Griffith Park | All Ages
Daniela + Kelly + Kim | HER Devo
Saturday | 9:00 AM
Week B | Faith
West Hollywood | HER All Ages
Kaylenn + Izzy | HER Bible Study
Wednesday | 6:30 AM
Week A + B | Formation
ZOOM | HER All Ages
Mia | HER Thrifting + Coffee + Bible Study
Saturdays | 10:00AM
Week A | Fun
Various Locations | HER Ages 20-35
Chad | Brotherhood Discussion
Wednesday | Time: TBD
Week B | Formation
Location: TBD | Brotherhood All Ages
Jake + Herbert | Brotherhood Bible Study
Wednesdays | 7:00 AM
Week B | Formation
ZOOM | Brotherhood All Ages
Stephanie | HER Bible Study
Saturdays | 11:30 AM
Week A | Formation
Various Locations | HER All Ages